Efforts in the unification of the date of the Feast of Easter -2005:
We informed the office of AL Raee-Saleh (a tremendous prayer network
in USA) about our project. They welcomed the idea of prayer, and they
inserted this request in their existing intentions.
Soufanieh Family in Canada (Montreal) inserted the prayer intention and an approach in
addressing this intention in the website dedicated to Our Lady of Soufanieh
through Association Notre-Dame-de-Soufanieh in Canada. A letter to the
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is being prepared for this
intention. This same letter will also be sent to all Oriental
Patriarchs. They ask them to specifically pray for this intention.
We informed many Priests, clergymen and Patriarchs about our prayer project.
They all welcomed the idea. We expect around 10,000 people (including
convents) to pray for a unified Easter Feast.
We contacted the Holy See Apostolic Nuncio in Syria. He welcomed and encouraged
the project. He requested from us to write to the Holy Father and to
to attach our petitions to our letter.
We contacted The Taizé International Ecumenical Community (France). They are
composed of a group of nuns
and volunteers whose purpose in life is prayer and service. They have
several prayer centers around the world. We are waiting for their
We contacted Communauté du Chemin Neuf through their office in Lebanon
(father Fadi Jandah). They constitute a tremendous prayer network with
155 nodes around the world. We are waiting for their feedback.
We contacted Télé-Lumière in Lebanon. We were promised a prompt
advertisement telecasting for the prayer on TV, and this will encourage the
Lebanese to pray for this intention during the week of January 18th.
We are also working Radio Al-Mahaba in Lebanon in order to broadcast our
prayer intentions during Unity Week.
We requested from many religious TV broadcasters to support our project.
To-date, only SAT 7 replied positively.
The Soufanieh family in Damascus (Syria) is preparing a poster promoting
the prayer formula. It will be distributed at the church's entrance
doors during the week of January 18th. They are also working on
getting the prayer message broadcasted on the Lebanese Noorsat Satellite
Network during Unity Week.
Source: Damascus, Syria.