Grace of God

No. E196/97.

Very Rev. Fr. Elias Zahlaoui Church of Our Lady of Damascus, Koussour, Damascus, Syria.

Dear Very Rev. Fr. Elias,

We extend our Apostolic Blessings to you and wish you peace in our Lord Jesus Christ. You have been conveying us regularly the news related to the Soufanieh events. It pleases us to know that the blessing of our Lord Jesus which appeared in those events continues its presence and works in that humble house of Soufanieh and its great ray which started fifteen years ago has spread almost all over the world.

It adds to our joy to hear the recent news, which you brought to us concerning a new initiative, carried out by "The Messengers of Our Lady of Soufanieh" in the United States of America. We feel happy to notice that they have got the permission to translate the book of the French journalist "Christian Ravaz" about Soufanieh which was published in Paris in 1968, in to English. It is reported that the translation work is already finished and it would be published shortly. They wish to get an introductory word from us to the readers. Indeed, it is our pleasure to do so.

We pray our Lord Jesus and His Blessed Mother the Holy Virgin Mary to bless the author, the translator and all those who involved in this work.

May our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of His Mother make this book an instrument so that to make people turn to God, sanctify His will and unify His Church as He works in Soufanieh.

May the grace of God be with you.





Ignatius Zakka I Iwas

Patriarch of Antioch and All the East Supreme head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church.