Paris, July 1, 1991


My dear brothers in Christ,


It has been a while since you have last received a collective letter on Soufanieh. It is from Paris that I write this one to you, in order to update you on the latest news as well as our forthcoming projects.


1. Since November 1990, let me point out especially the permanence of prayer at Soufanieh as well as the numerous exudations of oil from the hands of Myrna (as had been promised by the Holy Virgin during her message of November 26, 1990) and from the various reproductions of the Miraculous Icon.


2. I am happy to tell you that I met in Damascus on 10th instant the Syrian Orthodox bishop of Mosul (Iraq), Mgr. Isaak Saka. He assured me that a reproduction of Our Lady of Soufanieh was exuding oil since the beginning of January 1991, in a modest Christian house in Mosul. He himself, has visited that house and witnessed the oozing of oil.

Prayer meetings, grouping Christians and Moslems alike, have been organized, and as always, in absolute gratuitousness. Early June, His Excellency had left Mosul for a short while. Nonetheless, the oil kept on oozing. On June 12, Mgr. Saka gave me his written and signed testimony.


3. Myrna was invited, once more, to Egypt, early June of this year, by Maurice Yanni, a Coptic-Catholic priest and this in agreement with his bishop, Mgr. Youhanna Colta. During that very discreet stay, oil exuded several times from the hands of Myrna, as well as from the various reproductions of the Icon. Prayer during that time was permanent.


4. You know by now that my memoirs on Soufanieh have been published in Arabic, in a voluminous book of 580 pages. It also includes 137 pages of meditations emanating from an Arab intellectual, Mr. Antoine Makdisi. It is distributed freely.


5. This book will soon be published in French by l'O.E.I.L. Let us hope it will be available before Myrna's arrival to France.


6. As a matter of fact, it has been decided that Myrna will come to France, for a tour which would start in Besançon for the Festival of Hope organised by the Brothers Jaccard on 28th and 29th September, after a quick stay in Nancy. This trip should continue through Côte d'Or (Brazey en Plaine), Lyon, Montpellier, Espalion, Toulouse, Lourdes, St-Martin du Canigou, Orléans, Paris and l'Oise. Myrna would then leave Paris on 20th October bound for Damascus. You will find in the enclosed leaflet the full program concerning this trip.


7. Let me also advise you, that Myrna will be in Germany from 10 to 22 September and in Belgium from 22 to 27 of that same month. In Germany, her stay will begin with a three day symposium (12 - 14 September), proposed and organised by the Reverend Adel Khoury, the Dean of the Theology Faculty in Münster. This symposium will be held in Münster itself and will include an exchange of testimonies and reflections on Soufanieh, as well as long period of prayers.


8. You know that your Association has held its meeting, as scheduled on May 4, at the Pères Blancs, 31 rue Friant, Paris 14e. The attendance was quite large. I was fortunate to be there. I relayed to our friends the latest events in Soufanieh. The most salient fact was the establishment of an Episcopal Commission of inquiry, which was decided and set-up during the Conference of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops of Syria. The forthcoming trip of Myrna to France was addressed but without further ado. On the other hand, our treasurer, Guy Fourmann, reported briefly on the financial situation. He informed us that the 15000 booklets and 5000 reproductions of Our Lady of Soufanieh, which had been printed by the Association, are being distributed gratuitously, thanks to the modest earnings generated by the sale of the Video-cassettes "The Divine Graces in Soufanieh".


9. Let me also bring to your attention another video-cassette on Soufanieh, which was produced by André Rostvorowski, from Canada. You can obtain a copy by writing to the following address:


Mme Madeleine Fontanaz

Rassemblement à Son Image

9, rue Gay-Lussac

75005 Paris - Tél: 46 34 19 80, France


My dear brothers in Christ,


Is it necessary to remind you that the most important aspect of Soufanieh, is to pray within the Church?...


Let me conclude by inviting you to join your prayers to all the ones of our friends of Soufanieh wherever they are, so that the Lord and His Blessed Mother help us serve them better.


In conveying you to always pray for Peace as well as for the Unity of the Church, I express once more my friendship and my joy to see you again soon.





Father Elias Zahlaoui

PO Ph. Loron, President