Myrna in Poland 2011
2011.08.16 |
Myrna in prayer |
Myrna sings 'Ave Maria' |
Myrna sings 'Taalou ila Maryam' |
Arrival at the Church |
Fr. Zygmunt homily |
Annointing of the faithful
Myrna testimonial |
Interview |
Choir - Myrna sings 'Taalou.ila.maryam' |
Reverence to the Icon of Our Lady of Soufanieh -6 |
Reverence to the Icon of Our Lady of Soufanieh -1 |
2011-08-17 |
Krasnick Parish - St Joseph the Laborer - Fr Stefan Janusz |
Dominik introduces Fr. Zygmunt followed by a homily |
Interview |
Fr. Zygmunt introduction |
Fr. Zygmunt homily |
Fr. Krzystoph guides veneration |
Mass conclusion - priest impression |
Choir music |
While annointing a lady falls |
2011-08-18 |
Annointing of the faithful -3 |
Annnointing of the faithful 1 |
On.Easter 2004.message |
Myrna.testimonial |
Outside radio interview |
Dominik.preparing.people.repeat.words.of.ya.yassough.el.habib |
Venerating the Icon of Our Lady of Soufanieh |
Choir songs |
A person is the spirit |
Priests distributing pictures of Our Lady of Soufanieh |
A |
Fr. Zygmunt.homily |
Myrna starts annointing |
| |
2011-08-19 |
Lublin Parish - Holy Family Church |
Myrna & Nicolas testimonial |
With sick |
Venerating the Icon of Our Lady of Soufanieh 3 |
Choir then Fr. Zygmunt.homily |
Fr. Zygmunt.homily |
Prayer and mass conclusion.followed by thanksgiving |
Choir |
Myrna testimonial |
2011-08-20 |
Assumption of Our Lady Parish |
Venerating the Icon of Our Lady of Soufanieh |
Myrna.singing 'Hananak.Ya.Rabb' |
Sign.of.peace |
| |
Homily |
Consacration |
Venerating.icon.held in.Dominik.hands |
Arrival for Mass |
Choir |
Crowd assembled outside singing 'Ave Maria' while Dominik hold Our Lady of Soufanieh |
In the parish office |
| |
Fr Krzystoph Guzowski
Fr Zygmunt Kwiatkowsky
2011-09-10 - Polish - Polonais - Polska